Expedice Monte Bů...

Změna plánu, kamarádi!...

Včera došlo k meziplanetární katastrofě. Najednou to uďálo PUF! A Mars byl pryč!!!...

Takže expedice na Monte Bů už dneska. Letíme s Pytlákem, Terezkou a Matěm zjistit, co se stalo a esi tam z toho Marsu vůbec něco zbylo...

Startujeme večer a letíme v noci. Schválně, protože poletíme až ke Slunci, tak abysme se nespálili...

Change of plan, my friends!...

Yesterday there was an interplanetary disaster. All of a sudden, POOF! And Mars was gone!!!…

So the expedition to Monte Boo is already today. We are flying with Pytlák, Terezka and Maťo to find out what happened and if there is anything left of that Mars...


We start in the evening and fly at night. On purpose, because we will fly all the way to the Sun, so that we don't burn ourselves...