Narozeninová party...


Tyjo, dneska to bylo super! Šli jsme s Romanem a Pytlákem slavit narozky. Ne moje, ale holek Čepiček. Teda ČAPek. A byla s náma i Hanka s Peťou...

A i tam jsme potkali kamarádky - Danu a Evu...

Byla tam spousta legrace. Ale nakonec,... a to byla fakt bomba!... jsme si zalítali na simulátoru velký L-čtyřistadesítky! Hustýýýý!...

A jedno překvápko. Po víkendu jedu s tetou Evou na vejlet!...


Wau, today was great! We went to celebrate a birthday with Roman and Pytlák. Not mine, but the Cappies. Well,... CAP girls (Czech Association of women-pilots). And Hanka and Peta were with us...And there we also met our friends - Dana and Eva...

There was a lot of fun. But in the end,... and that was really a bomb!... we flew a big L-four-one-zero on the simulator! Bad-ass!...

And one surprise. After the weekend, I have a trip with aunt Eva!...