Starý nebo mladý?...

Ahoj, kamarádi. Zase jsem se trochu odmlčel, co? No,... jsem wostuda, já vim. Ale když já měl spoustu práce. S Pučmeloudem, Martinem, Richardem, Kájou a ostatníma bublinářema. Navíc jsem chodil za Alenkou si popovídat, protože má bebino a musí bejt v posteli, místo aby mohla s náma...
Ono už to sem dával strejda Ilja i Pytlák, tak asi neřeknu nic novýho. Ale musim prostě. Protože...
Jak jsme byli minule v Mladý Boleslavi v můzeu, tak to byl prostě mazec. Nejdřív jsme si teda udělali malej výlet po okolí, na zámek do Stránova, vysokáááánskej most pro mašiny a na zříceninu Michalovice. Ale pak...
Strejda Ivoš nám v můzeu pouštěl starej film o letadlech a letcích. Byla to děsná sranda, navíc tam vůbec nemluvili. Prej proto, že to filmaři natočili před sto lety. Tyjo, to jééé... Pětadvacetkrát drápky na jedný tlapce!!! Všichni tam vypadali tak trochu srandovně. Ale byly tam starý letadla, nádherný. Starý... vlastně ne,... mladý piloti, ale dneska už...Sakra, to jsou zmatky...
Co je ale důležitý, hlavní hrdina, ten pilot, co tam lítal,... říkali kluci, že se z něj za pár let stal RAFák kabrňák! A velitel celý naší československý perutě!!! Hůůůůstýýýý!!!
Jo a ještě něco. Nechci se sice chlubit, ale musim. Dostali jsme s Pytlákem dárek od strejdy Richarda. To je fotograf. Sice teda,... trošku zmatek,... proč mi všichni řikaj, že fotí na harmoniku? Neni to divný? Nefotí se na foťák spíš?...
Ale to je buřt. Dostali jsme od něj nádhernou fotku hurouše. Velikánskou. Pytlák u toho kvílel radostí a plácal ručičkama jak mimino. Tyjo, tu si dáme na chalupě do vitrínky mezi ostatní poklady...
Díky, strejdo...
Hi, my friends. I fell silent again, didn't I? Well,... scandal, I know. But must say, I was so busy. With Pučmeloud, Martin, Richard, Kája and the other bubble flyers. Plus, I went to talk to Alenka because she has a boo-boo and has to be in bed instead of being able to be with us...
Uncle Ilja and Pytlák have already wrote about it, so I probably won't say anything new. But I just have to. Because...
When we were in the museum in Mladá Boleslav last time, it was just bad-ass. At first we took a little trip around the area, to the castle in Stránov, the high-rise bridge for trains and ruins of Michalovice castle. But then...
Uncle Ivoš showed us an old film about airplanes and pilots in the museum. It was really funny, moreover they didn't talk at all. Apparently because the filmmakers filmed it a hundred years ago. Waaaau, that´ s about... Twenty-five times claws on one paw!!! Everyone there looked a bit funny. But there were old planes, beautiful. Old... not really,... young pilots, but nowadays...
Damn, that's confusing...
What's important, the main character, the pilot who flew there,... guys said that in a few years he became a RAF great guy! And the commander of our entire Czechoslovak squadron!!! Wow!!!
Oh, and one more thing. I don't want to brag, but I have to. Pytlak and I got a present from Uncle Richard. He's a photographer. But,... a bit confusing,... why does everyone tell me that he takes pictures with an accordion? Isn't that strange? He doesn't take pictures with a camera?...
But it doesn´ t matter. We got a great photo of a Hurrie from him. A huge one. Pytlak squealed with joy and clapped his hands like a baby. We put it at the cottage in a display case among other treasures...
Thanks, uncle...