Vandr v horách...

Ahoj, kamarádi, už jsem zase tady! Od vandru jsem se neozval, já vím. Ono ale nebylo odkud, toulali jsme se v horách a nebyl signál. A nebo síly. A nebo oboje...
Zvládli jsme toho tuze moc a přešli společně půlku Krušnejch hor. A viděli spoustu zajímavejch věcí a míst. A hlavně nádhernou přírodu, lesy, horský louky, potoky a jezera, spoustu točidel, nádherný výhledy...
A taky spousty hvězdiček skoro každej večer. A to bylo super, protože se v nich Terézka vyzná. Tak mi je ukazovala a pojmenovávala. A Pytlák je fotil...
Prošli jsme i Kovářskou, jen se nám bohužel nepovedlo kouknout se ke strejdovi Honzovi do muzea. Už bylo pozdě večer...
Prostě to bylo boží! A za odměnu jsme si dovezli i poklad od skřítků...
Hi, my friends, I'm back again! I haven't written from our trip, I know. But it hasn't been able from anywhere, we were wandering in mountains and there was no signal. Or we had no power. Or both...
We managed a lot of hard work and crossed half of the Ore Mountains together. And saw lots of interesting things and places. And above all, beautiful nature, forests, mountain meadows, streams and lakes, lots of blenders, wonderful views...
And also lots of stars almost every night. And that was great, because Terézka knows them well. So she showed me and named them. And Pytlák was taking pictures of them...
We also went through Kovářská, but unfortunately we didn't manage to look at uncle Honza's museum. It was late in the evening...
It was just great! And as a reward, we also brought a treasure from the elves...