Za Romanem...

Jedeme za Romanem, tak jsme se stavili v Nádražce. Byl jsem trošku zvědavej, tak mě tam Pytlák vzal...
A byla tam Žany! Tak jsme si pokecali a dali si něco dobrýho...
Teda, kafe nechám Pytlákovi, hořká černá žbrnda. Ale ty sušenky! Hmmm,... Ňam! Sice antilopový neměli, jen s kočkoládou, ale jsou taky dobrý...
We are going to see Roman, so we stopped in Nádražka Café. I was a little bit curious, so the Pytlak took me there...
And there was Žany! So we had a chat and something to eat...
Well, I'll leave the coffee to Pytlak, it's only a bitter black something. But those cookies! Hmmm,... Yum! Although they didn't have with the antelope taste, only with a chocolate, but they are also good...